Social Media is making us dumb

These are platforms where anything goes, where the good and the bad are hardly indistinguishable anymore. It seems like our brains are switching off when bombarded with a constant flow of information. This information is dished up in such a way that, once we've scrolled past it for that fleeting second, most of the information the posting contains become forgotten history.

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Oh come on! Street Photography isn't dead!

It's become a bit of a trend over the last few years to (rightly) question where the genre of Street Photography is heading towards. With typical arguments decrying the facts that "everybody calls themselves photographers", "everybody carries a camera", "social media sites are flooded with bad and mediocre images", ""likes" have become more important than real skill", bla bla bla, together they stack up making a highly compelling case motivating the demise of Street Photography.

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